Coles, G. (2003). Reading the naked truth:
Literacy, legislation, and lies. Portsmouth, NH:
184 pages
$17 (Paper) ISBN 0-325-00337-8
Reviewed by James Horn
Monmouth University
October 12, 2003
A hundred years ago in America the contestants in
a new conflict were fortifying their positions for the opening
battles in a war for the control of American schools, a war that
would see no lasting truce even to this day. While not the only
contenders in a lengthy conflict that has seesawed back and forth
over the generations, both of the primary combatants claimed
progress as their cause and science as their main weapon. Their
definitions and aims of science and progress, however,
represented two very different and increasingly-polarized
conceptions that were reflected in acrimonious differences on the
aims and proper methods for schooling. One side, the hard
progressives, wished to extend the goals of prediction and
control from the hard sciences to efficiently manage social
problems and maintain social stability through proper school
training; the other softer progressivism blended philosophical
romanticism with the emerging social sciences in an attempt to
map and understand child development as the natural beginning
point for designing school lessons.
By the 1930s the divide between these hard and
soft versions of progressivism had reached such proportions that
John Dewey (1938) devoted a volume to bridging the chasm between
the ideological extremes by exposing the deficiencies of both.
Unfortunately (and with no blame placed on Dewey), the
educational compromise that emerged following W.W.II combined the
worst of both ideologies in the “life-adjustment”
curriculum that sacrificed child-centeredness and social
efficiency for an oppressive, activity-based mediocrity devoid of
both rigor and spontaneity. Though short-lived and spotty in
actual implementation, life adjustment opened up the educational
bureaucracy to scathing critiques that found their way into the
mass media, where all subsequent battles have been aired and even
played out.
In the field of reading pedagogy during the 60s
and 70s, the reemergence of the education war took the form of
whole language vs. phonics. The lengthy history of that
confrontation is the subject of an earlier Coles title (1998),
and in it he tells the story with an unapologetic bias toward the
soft progressive focus on comprehension and meaning in reading,
yet with a pragmatic acknowledgment of the importance of the
phonics skills approach. In fact, all three of Coles’s
recent books have been critical of evidence put forward to
establish decoding and phonics skills as the prevailing
pedagogical hegemony for reading instruction; yet Coles
consistently reaffirms that phonemic awareness and phonics are
important elements in reading instruction, elements to be
included, however, as needed rather than as the sole or primary
component of reading instruction.
That same clear bias informs Reading the Naked
Truth . . ., a detailed critique of the National Reading
Panel (NRP) Report (2000), a federally-sponsored study that
offers a meta-analysis of reading research since 1966. Adding
significance, perhaps, to Coles’s focused review of the
Report’s findings is the fact that the NRP Report was
imported, with little modification and no criticism, into the
Reading Section of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB).
Coles argues that this cozy fit was not coincidental, and the
opening chapters provide some context for linkages between the
NRP’s sponsoring agency within the NIH, and Reid Lyon,
George W. Bush’s Texas “reading czar” who was,
according to a Wall Street Journal article cited by Coles,
placed in charge of making the Texas plan the model for the
nation. What takes shape rather quickly, then, is a blistering
critique of the NRP Report as an ideologically-driven effort to
eliminate any “wiggle room” from the conclusion that
reading should be taught through programs based on phonemic
awareness and phonics programs. This conclusion runs counter, of
course, to the purported purpose set forth by Secretary of
Education Paige and others within the Administration who appeal
to the NRP’s review of “100,000 studies” as the
final arbiter for “scientifically-based reading
instruction”, a phrase, Cole points out, that is used
nearly fifty times in NCLB.
What we find out in subsequent chapters is that
the NRP reduced the 100,000 possible studies to an actual
examination of around 500 studies. This feat was accomplished
through the use of selective filters that eliminated nearly all
studies that were not experimental and quantitative in nature.
Also eliminated was research concerned with reading motivation,
writing and reading, and children’s interest in reading. In
the end, the surviving studies in the Panel’s meta-analysis
fell into one of five areas reached by a consensus that, Coles
contends, was assured by the biased selection of the Panel
members to reflect a understanding of reading as involving these
aspects or processes: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency,
comprehension, and computer technology.
Beyond the questioning of the NRP’s narrow
parameters for science-based research, Coles provides numerous
examples of misrepresentation of research findings to advance the
orthodoxy of the Panel, and the overlooking of research design
flaws when findings from those flawed designs coincided with the
Panel’s apparent preconceptions. In the middle chapters
that reexamine the studies cited by the NRP in the Alphabetics
(phonemic awareness and phonics) chapters of the Panel’s
Report, Coles provides detailed examples of these breaches. A
flaw that appears repeatedly is the Panel’s use of studies
that show clear advantages of phonemic awareness or phonics
training when compared to a control group that had no
identifiable reading program or a discredited reading program.
Coles calls this the “compared with what?” problem,
and he is right to remind the reader that it is a problem that
sound research recognizes and avoids.
Another shortcoming Coles identifies is the
NRP’s inconsistency in distinguishing between correlational
and causal findings. He points out that NRP reviewers were quite
forgiving of research shortcomings when the research findings
supported their preferred outcome; yet when research did not
favor the phonics skills approach, there reemerged an insistence
by the NRP for rigorous research standards. For example, Coles
repeatedly points out that in its Alphabetics chapter the Panel
ignored the distinction between correlation and causation when
the studies they examine provide strong correlation between the
skills approach and increased reading ability. However, in the
Report’s section on sustained silent reading (SSR), where
comprehension was examined as “holistic process” vs.
“distinct skills,” studies that support the holistic
approach were discounted as correlational rather than causal.
Coles concludes that the Panel’s “antipathy of
anything that veers away from direct instruction model” (p.
110) led them to the bizarre conclusion that there is not
sustainable evidence, i.e, causal findings, to support the notion
that children become better readers by reading and discussing
books or by having encouragement and time provided to read
Coles argues that the NRP Report, with its appeal
to “scientifically-based research” and its
bare-knuckled certainty, is driven by a distinctive ideology
rather than the objective science that it advocates. Reading
the Naked Truth should be considered, then, as an essential
counterbalance for understanding, interpreting, and evaluating
the NRP Report and its larger political context. Not only does
Coles offer an effective antidote to a conservative policy
document cloaked as an objective scientific report, but this work
reminds us throughout that teaching children to read with skill
and meaning requires a commitment to professional judgment
capable of bracketing any exclusionary methodology that may
interfere with students becoming capable and enthused readers.
This makes Reading the Naked Truth a significant
contribution toward a possible truce in the continuing
pedagogical war, a war that may be settled by “scientific
research” only after there is some consensus as to 1) the
questions that science is being asked to answer, and 2) an
accepted definition of the science or sciences that will be used
to answer them. It is clear that those who call upon the science
of reading to replace the inefficiency of theory or philosophy
must be accepting of a science that is at least as flexible and
beneficial as the philosophy of reading that the science was
intended to replace.
In the end, Coles’s analysis of the NRP
Report reminds us that rapprochement will not be achieved by the
arbitrary imposition of research methods, scientific or
otherwise, that are chosen for the likelihood that they will
produce the preferred results. Such a strategy may impose a
decisive winner in this current battle, yet it signals a
continuing war whose lasting victims will not be the politicians
and academics who devise policy strategy and tactics, but rather
the teachers and students who will be held accountable for these
strategies in practice. If the history of American education has
any lasting lesson, it is that the unchecked spread of an extreme
ideological commitment is the best predictor, in a democratic
society, of its eventual demise. It is, after all, the
implementation of any policy that exposes that policy’s
shortcomings, and it is the measure of its limitations that
emboldens the opposition to freely propose alternative
strategies. This time around Coles has provided us educators with
some useful clues about some potential weak spots along the
Coles, G. (1998). Reading lessons: The debate over
literacy. New York: Hill & Wang.
Dewey, J. (1938). Experience and education
(reprinted ed.). New York: Touchstone.
National Reading Panel. (2000). Report of the
National Reading Panel: Teaching people to read.
Washington: National Institute of Child Health and Human
About the Reviewer
James Horn teaches graduate foundations of education at
Monmouth University in West Long Branch, New Jersey.
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