Barrell, Barrie. (Ed.) (2001). Technology, Teaching and
Learning: Issues in the Integration of Technology. Calgary,
AB: Detselig Enterprises Ltd.
Pp. 324
$28.95 ISBN 1-55-59-217-3
Reviewed by Susan Crichton
University of Calgary
March 6, 2002
John Willinsky, in his foreword, poses the essential question
of this book, "Could we really be on the verge of a new era,
culturally, educationally" (p. 13) in terms of the impact that
the integration of technology will have on education and
Barrie Barrell and the other contributors demonstrate
technology to be permissive of changed practice and charge that
educators have the potential to reform existing structures and
the duty to think differently with the new tools at their
disposal. Further, Willinsky states "... we must test and
exhaust ... [technology's] possibilities for realizing something
more, something better" (p. 15).
The authors of this engaging text pose a range of scenarios,
moving from the theoretical to actual practice, addressing the
scope of the ICT integration across curriculum and contexts.
Barrell has arranged the chapters within three sections,
Issues and Perspectives, Case Studies and Classroom Uses of ICT,
and Technology Leadership and Teacher Education. However, all
are linked within the broad framework of education reform and
social justice. The authors thoughtfully consider the role of
the teacher in the integration of ICT, offering suggestions for
professional development and changed classroom roles, avoiding
the tendency to blame teachers for slippage in innovative
practices or lack of progress in the adoption of technology.
The chapters by De Castell, Bryson, and Jenson; and Hunter and
Smith reinforce Barrell's introductory comment that educators
"... need to see how ...(ICT) can extend the intellectually
engaged and democratic aspects if education as a right for all,
for the good of all, in a global basis" (p. 16). This concept
extends the notion of ICT as a tool in traditional classrooms or
contemporary businesses and that students must understand it or
their countries will become less competitive, slipping into a
digital void. It throws open the idea that ICT could
expand educational opportunities across the globe, offering rich
learning experiences regardless of location or political
boundaries. These authors view ICT as an opportunity for change
and reformed practice.
The first chapter in this collection, "The Stewardship of the
Intellect..." by Pat Clifford and Sharon Friesen, sets the tone
for the book. While recognized leaders in the innovative
integration of technology in the K-12 education system, these
respected educators present a compelling argument, suggesting
that ICT should reflect expert practice, causing schools to
develop authentic studios / real shop scenarios for the use of
powerful ICT tools. They call on schools to reform the physical
environments of classroom and computer labs, allowing for the
"... multidisciplinary connections and explorations..." suggested
by Jacobsen and Goldman in their chapter. Both chapters suggest
the importance of developing a "... community of inquiry
…" (p. 96) allowing students to move from simply taking
notes to taking note of their learning (p. 96).
This book encourages its readers to rethink their ideas of the
roles of both teachers and students. Jacobsen and Goldman state
that "... the future role for teachers is to become learners
again" (p. 104), noting that "Teachers have the right to
experience the type of learning environment that they are called
upon to provide for children" (p. 105).
De Castell, Bryson, and Jenson offer a fascinating extension
of that view. They refute the notion that teachers should become
comfortable with the new technologies and learning opportunities.
They argue "... we have developed a powerful means for reshaping
human knowledge, communications, educational structures and
relations, epistemic concepts and practices, and have
incalculably increased the amount and kind of information
available to ordinary people worldwide.... and what we seek is
comfort and familiarity?" (p. 117-118).
Building on this notion of innovation and potential, Hunter
and Smith remind us that the online opportunities now offer "....
greater responsiveness to the affective needs of students and
parents" (p. 200). This suggests technology might be the
catalyst for developing and sustaining a true student centered
learning environment as described in educational research but
rarely implemented in schools.
Through examples of actual practice and exciting research,
Barrell presents a thoughtful collection of innovative thought
into the issues of technology integration. Buck's model for
implementation presents a framework for consideration, reminding
us that simply thinking that technology is a good thing is not
same as rolling out a implementation strategy to help insure
success. Without a model, Buck warns that the "... result will
remain [a] slow and haphazard..." (p.79) use of computer
applications within current teaching practices.
Technology, Teaching and Learning: Issues in the
Integration of Technology offers an excellent example of what
Goldman refers to as “points of viewing” (p. 87).
The contributors to this book have tackled the topic from a range
of experiences, offering a thought provoking collection of
writing suitable for an equally wide range of audiences.
About the Reviewer
Susan Crichton, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education
The University of Calgary
602 Education Tower
2500 University Dr. NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4
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