Chazan, Daniel (2000). Beyond Formulas in Mathematics and
Teaching: Dynamics of the High School Algebra Classroom.
N.Y.: Teachers College Press
Pp. xvi + 200.
$22.95 (Paper) ISBN 0-8077-3918-9
$48.00 (Cloth) ISBN 0-8077-3918-7
Reviewed by James Telese University of Texas,
Brownsville/Texas Southmost College
August 18, 2000
Chazan has provided teachers, parents, researchers, or
policy makers, a window into mathematics education. Based
on his experiences teaching algebra, he offers the reader
background into the issues associated with the teaching of
high school algebra, motivation of students, curriculum,
and the "craft" of teaching. The author describes his
transformation from a traditional mathematics teacher to a
reform oriented mathematics teacher. The metamorphism
occurs through reflection on his teaching experiences at a
parochial school and later at a suburban public high
The author
presents a brief teaching autobiography in the first
chapter. He describes his early experiences of teaching
algebra at a northeastern suburban private parochial
school; where, he found teaching highly motivated and eager
eighth graders, an enjoyable experience. In contrast, a
decade later, he returned to the pre-college classroom at a
public high school. He taught students who were
unmotivated and who saw little use for the learning of
algebraic concepts. In each case, he reflects on his
teaching practices, which were very traditional in nature.
At the parochial school, students described his class as a
typical mathematics class where each day homework exercises
were examined and problems he deemed important were
emphasized, followed by introducing new material, practiced
problems, and then assigned the next set of homework
exercises. He found this to be a very unrewarding method
of teaching. The textbook and he were the authorities in
the class. Students were not encouraged to get involved in
class through discussions and sharing of ideas. He taught
his students that algebra has a series of steps and
procedures to follow rather than teaching algebra for
understanding. Since the students at the parochial school
were college intending, self-motivating, and eager to
follow the teacher's instruction, this method worked
His mathematics autobiography includes background
information of his teaching experiences in a suburban
Professional Development School. He had a strong desire
to work with lower track classes. This opportunity
occurred from1990 to 1993 where he taught one lower track
class each year. He did not teach alone. He was assisted
during his first year by a student teacher in this first
semester and by the mathematics department head during the
second semester. A mathematics teacher from the school was
a co-teacher during the last two years.
The students he encountered needed to know why algebra was
important. His students were unmotivated and expressed
their unhappiness with school. Students in different
social groups varied in their level of motivation. The
social groups included "stoners," "preppies," "smokers,"
and "nerds." The "stoners" are described as being involved
in gang activity and the use of illicit drugs. The
"preppies" are students who were affiliated with school
through membership in sport teams. The "smokers" were the
majority of the students in his class who spent time before
and after school hidden in far corners smoking cigarettes.
The "nerds" are student who were separated from the other
three groups and not associated with academic pursuits.
This background provided the context for the pedagogy used
to motivate the students.
Getting to know his students was his key to designing a
curriculum that would engage the students with algebraic
concepts. He found the concept of " trajectory" during his
research on motivation. Chazan used the metaphor of
trajectory as described by Berryman (1987). A trajectory is
the pathway students expect for themselves as adults in
society. Students will engage in curricular tasks in direct
relation to their views of the future. Students develop an
idea of their niche in the adult world and have basic
notions of the future. The notion of trajectory is seen by
Chazan as movement from the past to the future. Students
make decisions that may keep them on a trajectory or change
their path. Moreover, students may feel that they are
incapable of changing a trajectory or may not have the will
to do so. Chazan describes an interview with a "smoker"
who characterized a "preppie" as someone who does their
homework, gets good grades, and goes off to college and
gets a good job. In contrast, some of the "smokers" don't
care about their grades or homework, won't go to college
and do whatever they can for a job. The trajectory of the
"preppie" is graduating from college and getting a good
job, and the trajectory of some "smokers" is to do whatever
they can. Chazan believes that the 'laziness' exhibited by
students is due to a mismatch between the students' sense
of trajectory and the curricular content of the course. In
order to engage students in the tasks, it then becomes
necessary to align the trajectories of the students with
their teacher.
His attempt at aligning the trajectories was the use of
real world problems in his classes. Chazan uses
Nemirovsky's (1996) view of "real" as describing the
relationship between a problem and the students'
experiences. "Real contexts are to be found in the
experience of the problem solvers" (Memirovsky, 1996, p.
211). A complication arises in that not all students share
the same experiences. He designed tasks related to
calculating tips at a restaurant, which was of particular
interest to a female student working as a waitress. Also,
since most of his students were "smokers," he designed an
investigation that examined the cost of cigarettes under a
proposed taxation plan. The "preppies" did not see this as
such a motivating task. Not surprising, Chazan contends
that using real world problems is not a panacea and has
His attention then focused on teaching algebra
conceptually. The use of real world problems was not
totally abandoned. The meaning of conceptual
understanding is not clear. For Chazan, conceptual
understanding involves psychologizing the subject matter
based on Dewey's work (1902/1990). Psychologizing the
subject is the process of developing content using
knowledge of the students' experiences, motives, attitudes,
and organizing the subject matter around the students. In
order to accomplish this, he had to understand algebra and
his students' experience. As a foundation for addressing
the question, what is school algebra, Chazan offers a brief
history of algebra and describes two views of mathematics,
which led him to use a relationship between quantities
approach to teaching algebra. In this view, the concept of
functions takes center stage. For example, the
relationship between the costs of long distance calls to
the number of minutes talking. The output variables (such
as the cost) depends unambiguously on the input variables
(the number of minutes). These relationships are studied
through formal ways like the use of tables of values for
the quantities, symbolic expressions, and Cartesian graphs,
and through informal ways such as, diagrams, graphing
devices, written or spoken words. The idea of x as a
variable, Cartesian graphs, and functions were taught early
in the course. He attempted to use real world examples
based on the students' experiences. Three representations
were discussed, the procedural aspect of getting outputs
from various inputs, a focus on the values of the inputs
and outputs rather than the how one arrives at an output
from an input, and how do the outputs change as the inputs
change. Consequently, Chazan began to implement reform-
oriented strategies such as classroom discourse, real world
problems, and technology.
Symbol manipulation and working with expressions are other
topics in algebra. According to Chazan, the function
approach offers the opportunity to develop meaning for
symbol manipulation. It is accomplished within a context
rather than in isolation using practice exercises.
Expressions are seen as "arithmetic procedures and not
names for numbers" (p. 89). He used graphs and tables of
values to help students see the similarities of two
algebraic expressions.
The students needed to know how algebra is helpful in the
real world. To help students to see algebra around them,
Chazan describes an activity where the students go out in
the workplace and hunt for examples of mathematics.
Students responded to a series of questions about the
quantities used, the procedure for computing the quantity,
and the reason for, and the importance of the computation.
The activity helped the students realize the value and use
of algebraic computations.
Another feature of Chazan's pedagogy for teaching algebra
is classroom discourse, which he describes in chapter four
as "classroom conversation." Students in lower track
classrooms saw themselves as not having the ability to do
mathematics. This hindered their participation in
classroom discussions. In reform-oriented pedagogy, it is
important that students develop conjectures, revise, agree,
disagree and prove mathematical statements, in an
environment where students respect each other's ideas and
where a whole-class discussion results.
However, conducting whole-class discussions is a difficult
task. Chazan believes that in order for a classroom
conversation to occur, there are requirements for both
students and the teacher. For students, the requirements
include clear articulation of students' mathematical point
of view, and contribution to a class atmosphere where each
student feels safe sharing "wrong" answers. Students
should consider them as steps along the path toward a
deeper understanding of a problem. The task for the
teacher is to lead the discussion and to keep students'
ideas developing and growing. When disagreements occur,
the teacher should support students in revising their
initial conjectures. Although answers to questions are
important, in Chazan's classroom, the focus was placed on
the students' rationale.
Chazan closes the book with a chapter that attempts to
describe the complicated process of teaching. His
reflection on his practice led him to reconceptualized the
subject matter, which produced other changes in his
relationships with students and his understanding of the
subject matter. He takes the stance that a teacher's own
knowledge of subject matter is central to dealing with
motivation and relevance. He contends that the culture of
the school places the responsibility of motivation on the
student rather on the teacher, "
the constructs of
ability, motivation, and students' achievement-which
encompasses a variety of relations between student and
subject matter, teacher and subject matter, and student and
teacher-becomes solely a function of the student" (p.
150). This results in the traditional view of mathematics
teaching with an emphasis on getting answers to exercises,
and the curriculum is the sole foundation for future
courses. His solution to the many problems faced by
mathematics teachers is to share teaching assignments, so
that members of a department can observe each other. The
shared assignments allow the teachers to identify problems
of practice, try something, share the results of their
attempts at practice, and develop trust and reflection.
The strengths of the book include a background into issues
faced by mathematics teachers for those readers who are
unfamiliar with issues such as motivation, student peer
groups, school culture and curriculum and how they affect
the teaching process. Although the author provides only
brief lesson descriptions, other mathematics teachers may
learn from them. The mathematics lesson description are
presented in a way that readers with some understanding of
algebra could grasp his point. This may have been due to
the fact that he did not want the book to look too
"mathematical." He did provide some background knowledge
for the concept of slope when he described how he taught
the lesson. The author names the important concepts of
algebra and mentions how each fits into the functions-based
approach. For example, slope was emphasized as a rate,
linear equations where presented in contexts, expressions
were seen as equivalent procedures.
Another strength is his illustration of the various
components of mathematics education reform such as,
discourse, student-centered instruction, and the use of
application to teach concepts and procedures. The
description of teaching algebra with a function approach
was well done. The author provides background information
as needed to support his argument such as the additional
information about the history of mathematics related to
algebra teaching and the two philosophical views of
mathematics. This allows the reader to put into
perspective algebra teaching today. His book is a model
for how teachers can reflect on their practice.
The book does not have many weaknesses. Experienced
teachers are very well aware of the aspects of mathematics
pedagogy and working with lower track students that the
author brings to the forefront. The author never really
had the responsibility of teaching 'alone,' except at a
private parochial school with motivated students, and for
three years, he taught only one class per day. The reality
of being the sole teacher of 90 to 150 public school
students was not described, which may have provided
additional insights into the trials and tribulations of
school mathematics teaching. As a former lower track
algebra teacher, this reviewer recognizes the hard work
necessary to motivate students to achieve in the algebra
classroom. Classroom management is one area the author did
not mention, which is an important issue for both beginning
and experienced teachers. This topic may be beyond the
scope of this book, but is an important aspect to discuss.
However, perhaps this observation misses the point of the
book, presenting the views that include mathematics
teaching in high school should center around functions,
that the teacher is responsible for motivating the
students, and the importance of a shared teaching
assignment, whether within the school or a university
researcher/school teacher partnership. Many teachers do
not have the luxury of shared teaching assignments. The
author had, what many readers may regard, an ideal
situation. Overall, the book offers those readers
interested in the improvement of mathematics education
ideas of what should be changed in mathematics pedagogy.
The examples are valuable enough for use as models that
other teachers or staff developers could emulate.
Berryman, S. E. (1987). Breaking out of
the circle: Rethinking our assumptions about education and
the economy. (Occasional Paper 2). New York:
National Center on Education and Employment.
Dewey, J. (1990). The school and society: The
child and the curriculum. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press. (Original work published in 1902)
Nemirovsky, R. (1996). Mathematical narratives,
modeling and algebra. In N. Bedharz, C. Kieran, & L.
Lee (Eds.), Approaches to algebra: Perspectives for
research and teaching (pp. 197-200). Dordecht:
About the Reviewer
James Telese
James Telese holds a Ph.D. in
Mathematics Education. As an Associate Professor, he
currently teaches mathematics education, secondary
education, and educational research at the University of
Texas, Brownsville/Texas Southmost College. His research
interests include algebra classroom teaching research, and
the mathematics teaching of language minority students.
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